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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


Chinese students of Mudanjiang University arrived on academic exchange program

The students Cai Nuo and Chen Yi arrived on August 28 within academic exchange framework under the cooperation agreement between Siberian Institute of Management – a branch of RANEPA and Mudanjiang Pedagogical University.

Cai Nuo and Chen Yi will study in the institute on an individual educational program during the 2019-2020 academic year. This program is constituted in accordance with the educational program that the students have in the Mudanjiang University. The students have to take the beginners course of Russian language for the first semester, during the second semester students will pass intermediate examination of bachelor’s disciplines “Russian language and speech culture”, “Banking“, “Financial management” and “Corporate finances” with Russian students.

The students enjoy their study in the Institute. They have a big interest for learning Russian language, communicate with the students learning Chinese language and participate in events taking place in the Institute.

The agreement between Siberian Institute of Management and Mudanjiang Pedagogical University was signed in December 2017. The first experience of academic exchange between the institutions have been the language internship of third year politics and international relations faculty student Irina Grigorieva in the last academic year.