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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


International participants of the "State. Society. Church" conference

During October 29-30, 2019 at the Siberian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA, a scientific and practical conference with international participation “State. Society. Church ” was held, which was attended by colleagues from partner universities of our institute.

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Tajik National University, the head of the Department of International Relations of TNU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Raimalikhon Nuriddinov arrived at SIM RANEPA. During the conference, he made a plenary report on the topic: “National Consolidation in the Context of Ethnic Diversity”. In addition, the professor of TNU took on the responsible role of the moderator of the section "The Nation and the Modern World: Foreign Experience and the Practice of National Building".

From the Republic of Kazakhstan, under the cooperation agreement with S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University and the action plan (“road map”), the conference was attended by two professors of the Department of Jurisprudence of PSU Bulat Olzhabaev and Serik Bastemiev. They presented a report on the theme: "The collapse of the state: a comparative aspect."