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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


A delegation of SIM RANEPA took part in a series of events at the Tajik National University

The Russian Language Center of SIM and The Russian Center of TNU has signed a long-term cooperation agreement, that was started at the I International Forum « Commonwealth». The forum hosted the contests of speakers and readers, the international scientific-practical conference “Russia and Tajikistan: cultural and historical ties in the context of the past and the present,” as well as preparations for international events “Total Dictation 2020”.

70 TNU students took part in the Forum events as well as students from our Institute: Julia Surtay (4th year, Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration), Daria Bubenova (3rd year, Faculty of Law), Farida Dzhafarova (3rd year, Faculty of PIR), deservedly guaranteed prize places.

Svetlana Lopatina (Director of the Russian Language Center) and Natalia Oturgasheva also took part in the IV Asian Student Forum “Tajikistan - Asia - 2019”, the main tasks of which were the intensification of scientific and cultural cooperation between Asian universities and the development of international academic mobility, a network of educational scientific interaction between countries and Asian universities. The forum was attended by over 300 students, graduate students, young scientists, teachers and other representatives of university communities. They represent 35 leading universities in Armenia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

In addition, the professors of the department made presentations at the plenary meeting called: “Actual problems of Russian philology, comparative typology and translation”, made presentations at the plenary meeting on the topic of:

Lopatina S.S. "Problems of teaching the discipline" Russian language and culture of speech "in a non-linguistic university";

Oturgasheva N.V. "Roman" Zahhok "V. Medvedev: the experience of history in the mirror of a literary text.”

Teachers and students of SIM RANEPA met with the dean of the faculty of Russian philology Gafur Mukhametov. During the meeting, prospects for strengthening scientific ties and student exchanges between TNU and SIM RANEPA were discussed.