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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


International round table conference on topical issues of the taxation system in Russia and Uzbekistan

On November 26, 2020, employees of the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA jointly with the Tashkent branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics held an international round table conference "Taxation of individual entrepreneurs: the experience of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan". More than 50 lecturers and students took part in the online event.

Nodira Kalandarovna Zokirova, Chairperson of the Council for Science and Innovation of the Tashkent Institute of PRUE, as well as Tatyana Evgenievna Fasenko, the Head of the Directorate for Science and Innovation of SIM RANEPA, started the conference with the welcoming address.

The plenary session was opened by Sergey Aleksandrovich Voronin, Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit of the Tashkent branch of PRUE, Doctor of Economics Sciences, and Dmitry Valerievich Kunitsyn, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA, candidate of economic sciences. In their reports, the experts examined the peculiarities of taxation of individual entrepreneurs and self-employed in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, described the trends in the development of taxation of individuals, the features of state support measures using tax and budgetary mechanisms. D.V. Kunitsyn outlined the issues of choosing the optimal tax regime for entrepreneurial activity, including the use of information services of the Federal Tax Service.

The round table was continued by A.M. Vyzhitovich, the Head of the SIM RANEPA educational program "Taxes and Taxation", candidate of economic sciences, and T.N. Cherepkova, Head of the Department of Taxation, Accounting and Economic Security of SIM RANEPA, candidate of economic sciences. The authors examined the tax consequences of making various investment decisions by individuals - investing in banks deposits or on the stock market, drew attention to the actions of regulators to stimulate the adoption of long-term financial investments by individuals.

As part of the scientific discussion, researchers from the Tashkent branch of PRUE - Sh.R. Abdullaeva, Head of the Department of Finance and Credit, Ph.D. Economic Sciences, M.B. Khamidulin, Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, and D.R. Abdulov, Senior Lecturer, made reports.

Concluding the round table, the participants emphasized that the holding of such international scientific events is of great importance for deepening professional knowledge. Also, the participants agreed to continue the scientific discussion on topical issues of taxation and tax policy.