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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


Literary meeting for international students

On December 5, the Siberian Institute of Management held a traditional event - a literary meeting. This time participants discussed "The Little Prince", the book written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery- a significant work of world literature of the twentieth century.

The organizers were the Russian Language Center for International Students and the staff of the Department of International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation (O.A. Beregovaya, S.S. Lopatina, N.V. Oturgasheva).

The 4th year students of the International Relations direction prepared a presentation about the author and the book, as well as interactive game for the participants (quiz, competition “The Most Attentive Reader”).

International students from Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan answered questions, discussed quotations from the book, and interpreted the text of the fairy tale in Russian.

The students Aleksey Muzykin, Gleb Bochkarev, and Vladislav Pototskiy helped to organize the event as part of the practical activity of the discipline "Global Education" - assistance to foreign students in learning Russian as a foreign language.