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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


Russian Conversation Club with the participation of representatives of the SIM RANEPA Russian Language Center

On February 4, the Russian Conversation Club for international students took place.

This time, not only students took part in the event, but also the teachers of the Russian Language Center of the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA Svetlana Sergeevna Lopatina and Natalya Vadimovna Oturgasheva.

The participants of the event discussed the topic "My Vision of an Ideal University", shared their thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of higher education in their countries, as well as what they would like to add to their educational process and extracurricular activities.

In addition, the teachers talked about the specifics of studying at SIM RANEPA for students who come to study Russian and how the training at the Russian Language Summer School 2021 will be held.