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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


Siberian Campus of RANEPA continues showing foreign films

On March 16, the second screening of the Uzbek film was held as part of the "Cinema Without Borders" film festival at the Siberian Institute of Management, a branch of RANEPA.

Nodir Gayratovich, Assistant to the Consul of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Novosibirsk, presented to the audience a historical war film directed by Zulfikar Musakov "Berlin-Akkurgan", 2018.

The film is dedicated to the memory of the participants of the Great Patriotic War. The events of the film show the pre-war and our time, take us to Berlin, Moscow, and the small Uzbek village of Akkurgan. There are several storylines in the film: the love story of two couples: Uzbeks Kuzybay and Dulshod, a German and a Jewess Klaus Kostlin and Deborah Leichtman.