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Russian Presidential Academy of National Ecomony and Public Administration


Associate Professor of the International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation Department O.A. Beregovaya took part in two international conferences in the online format.

On October 27-28, 2020, the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tutoring in an open educational space: personality development; the formation of identity and “self skills” was organized by the Moscow State Pedagogical University and MTA (Interregional Tutor Association).

Associate Professor of the International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation Department Oksana Aleksandrovna Beregovaya made a presentation: “Student tutoring as a tool for developing self-skills” in the section “Tutoring in higher education”. In her report, it was told about the development of the tutoring movement at the Siberian Institute of Management, a branch of RANEPA, on the example of the School of Volunteer Tutors working with international students (2018-2020).

On October 29-30, 2020, the XI International Russian Conference of Higher Education Researchers (IVO Conference) "Higher Education in a Pandemic: New Challenges and Modern Solutions" was organized by the Higher School of Economics— National Research University.

The key speakers at the conference included Philip Altbach (Boston College, USA), Hans de Wit (Boston College, USA), Wang Rong (Peking University, China); Jones Glen (University of Toronto, Canada); Marginson Simon (University of Oxford, UK); Frumin Isak Davidovich (HSE University, Russia); Igor Chirikov (SERU Consortium at the Center for Higher Education Research, University of California, Berkeley, USA) and other well-known experts.

Associate Professor O.A. Beregovaya made a report in which she presented the experience of work of the SIM RANEPA School of Tutors, providing support to the international students during the pandemic. Participants noted the usefulness and innovativeness of this practice for the development of internal internationalization.